Butterfly & Bee Garden

Watch and enjoy the natural wildlife within Perran Springs

A small special area on the park, to encourage butterflies, bugs and bees!

Plants and Flowers

The Garden usually includes a mixture of the following plants and flowers. These varieties encourage our nectar feeding friends to the garden.


Hyssop – flowers Jun/Jul/Aug
Globe Thistle – flowers Jul/Aug
Scabious Butterfly Blue 
– flowers Jul/Aug/Sep
– flowers Jul/Aug/Sep
Buddleia Butterfly Bush
 – flowers Jul/Aug/Sep
Michaelmas Daisy
 – flowers Sep/Oct
 – flowers Sep/Oct/Nov
Thyme + Rosemary

Nettles are beneficial to butterflies and caterpillars and grow naturally in our hedgerows. Due to their invasive nature we have not deliberately planted them here.



We have also added different insect habitats within the Garden:

The Bug and Bee Hotel 
which attracts a range of crawling and flying bugs

The Butterfly House and Feeding Station

The Ladybird and Lacewing Houses

The Solitary Bee Hive
which attracts non-swarming Red Mason Bees

In addition, the Garden includes a large fallen tree log, which is home
to a variety of bugs and snails. The surrounding trees also hide numerous insects. The two large rocks have been positioned in the Garden to provide a place for butterflies to soak up the sun on a hot day.

All photos have been taken at Perran Springs Holiday Park


Butterfly, Bug & Bee Garden

Accommodation Options


Euro Tents


Holiday Homes

Motor Homes

Glamping Pods

watch The Butterflies & Bees